Beberapa pengertian GIS (Geographic Information System)
1. Peter Burrought
>>" A powerfull set of tools for string and retrieving at will, transforming and displaying spatial data from the real world for a particular set a purpose"
2. Clarke
>>"Automated system for capture, storage, retrieved, analisys and display of spatial data"
3. Star and Ester
>>"An information System that is design with data referenced by spatial or geographic coordinates, in other world, a GIS is both database system with specific capabilities for spetially referenced data, as well as set of operations to working with the data"
copied from catatan kuliah,,,
Hehe, di jurusan saya kuliah harus bisa mengusai GIS. :D
BalasHapusversi indonesianya ada g"???
BalasHapusasop >>sama donk,,, hehehe
BalasHapusomma >> kagak ada ma,, tu nyalin dari catatan..hehehe